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How to Make Money Fast: $100-500 in 5 steps(from your couch)

It is possible to make quick money on the internet with your smartphone. Making quick money online is not difficult as you might have guessed, it only needs little attention and discipline and you are there.

I will show you some of the easy-going ways to make money on the internet. First, be prepared to take action and things will become real to you.

Before we start, make sure you have a verified PayPal account because that’s where payments will be received or check out the full guide on how to create a verified PayPal in Ghana and worldwide


YouTube is, of course, one of the best money making platform these days. You only need a Gmail account and you are there. 

Come on, many free video-making apps available, you just make a quick video on any idea you have within or perhaps something you are interested in like sports, wrestling, funny videos, etc.

Many people are afraid of YouTube when it comes to getting views and subscribers. 

It is true but this is never a worry for us because you can get subscribers and high retention views for low prices with Qqtube

You can also use Qqtube to boost your Twitter and Instagram accounts as well.


Blogging is also a way of making money on the internet. You sign up with Google AdSense and your readers become your income.

For some people, this is full-time employment because it yields higher income as compared to the salary of many professional and government workers. Yes, blogging is very easy and simple.

One interesting thing about blogging is, you can start for free without spending a dime on hosting and website kinds of stuff. Take advantage of Google’s blogger or wordpress. They provide a free platform for you to begin your journey. Aside from this one

First, you need to choose your niche and post articles. Publish high-quality content and avoid copy and pasting from other websites.

Unlike YouTube, you only have to write articles instead of making videos. This key here is to write a helpful article that people will love to read and the work is done. You just watch your money grow.


It seam we have an app for everything but not all you should accept. Probably you won't use an app that gives you benefits.

There are many money-making apps on the market today but only a few of them help us to make money on the internet. 

You just do simple and quick stuff like watching ads and completing surveys to earn from $0.2 to $1 per completion.

However, put in mind this is not a full-time money-making platform like blogging and YouTube. It is intended to be done in free time. It’s very ok and doesn’t involve many works.

The following are some of the best and most successful apps the help you make money for real online. You make money by watching ads, completing surveys, playing games, etc… Click on it to download.


Based on experience, I recommend the following sites for your usage!
You can make money online from the above-listed websites to make money in your free time. However, this is one of the best ways of working online. You earn money by doing simple stuffs like
  1. Visiting websites
  2. Liking Facebook page
  3. Rating apps
  4. Downloading apps
  5. Commenting on a photo
  6. Subscribing to YouTube accounts
  7. Creating accounts
  8. Many more…


This is another best way of making money online. Anyone at all can make money just by sharing his/her link. 

It is highly recommended to anyone who wants quick and instant cash. I know this is not something new to you but definitely, you will love the powerful method I am about to show you in this guide.

I think you all can do this because we have something to share with others. Be it an eBook or what’s trending or whatever you like to share that you know people will like it. 

Use the link with link shortener sites and start counting dollars but wait

REMEMBER the more the traffic, the high your income. You can get better traffic by sharing it with friends on Facebook or WhatsApp or any other social media platform you know.

The best way of getting traffic would be to use youlikehits.
It is free and much faster to use youlikehits. You just have to gain some points and use the points to drive more traffic to your link.

Mind you, you don’t need any website for this, just any link you know or can see online will do just the job.


The quick and best way of making money online are
  1. YouTube
  2. Blogging
  3. Apps
  4. Work online
  5. Link shorteners


This is a brief explanation of how to make quick money online.

Feel free to explore the method above and leave your comments and suggestion in the comment section below and don’t forget to join our telegram channel for more Thanks for reading!!!

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